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Ever wondered why every child does not become an Albert Einstein or and Edison? Most of us belief that its because every child is not born a genius. The truth is, it\'s because every child does not want to become an Albert Einstein or an Edison. Some may be Sachin Tendulkar waiting to be discovered and some may be Sunita Williams. Each is a genius in his or her own way, but somewhere down the line trading along those trodden paths, these hidden genius lose their direction to become just another face in the crowd. And this is one of the challenges we set before ourselves as we went on conceiving and designing DPS, Burdwan. To provide an environment and curriculum where the child can explore and develop every aspect of himself/herself, so that he/she can realize his/her true potential.
This is a challenge we have been true to in every aspect of the school. Right from developing an intensive and exhaustive curriculum to provide the highest degree of well developed educational technology putting together a trained and experienced faculty to ensure that a plethora of activities is there for the students to flourish. All the settings compatible to environment that is both therapeutic and beautiful, while the student goes on discovering him/her. This is another objective of DPS, Burdwan is to ensure that every student gets an opportunity to reconnect with the culture and values that forms the backbone of every Indian\'s existence. This educational institution stands unique to the testimony and detrimental to inculcate values and tradition of a GURUKUL with the modern educational technology and teaching pedagogy.